Painter, aguafuerte, LITGRAFO, SERGRAFO, Y XILGRAFO potter. -Born in Andjar (Jan)-Studies dibujo y Manuel study of pottery in it Aldehuela in Andjar. -Studies in the Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando in Madrid. -Courses in El Consejo Superior de Investigaciones scientific freely, Mueble History, History of Cinematografay decoracin interior. Exhibition-In: Friday Clan Gallery Libertad-Traube Gallery Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, his art Investigacin de los Pueblos Africans in Rhodesia, Namibia and South Afrca -Trabajos to say, direccin works indoors and in Nigeria, northern Congo, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Artist Proof Studio-In (Johannesburg) realizacin of aguafuerte, engravings, lithographs, monotypes and silkscreen. Their trabajos-gathering in collections in the United States, University Of.Boston Ratggers Of.New York University & University Library of Boston, and in Canada, Ottawa & Muskegon University Museum of Art -Exposicin en la Universidad de Santiago de Chile - Participacin at the first Biennale with Artist Proof Studio in Johannesburg. -Working with Belgian artists in films for printing using Rayo x litrografias using aluminum foil, drink cans and solders. , Monotypes, photolithography, and Encuadernacin, collaborating with American artists and Cyanotype print with artists from Scotland. -Exposicin of monotypes in Prague during the 1997 international exposicin. -Currently living and working in Málaga. HIS WORK is part of several private collections in Madrid, Buenos Aires, Malaga, Seville, London, South Africa Y MUSEUMS INSTITUTIONS Where exposes YOUR WORK:-Holland-Netherlands-ROYAL Collection Boston Library-US-Johnson & Johnson-USA-University of Santiago-Chile-New York Uiversity Rutger-USA Arjo Wiggins, SA- Arch-FRANCE